I do have a saddle in the works, but I'd come across some online photos of real bareback riding pads with latigo ties, and I had to try it in miniature. The "natural" 3/16 width lace I had on hand just wasn't accepting dye well (it has a glaze finish to it), so to make the overgirth and latigo straps I cut strips from some nice russet color garment leather I have on hand (same leather I cut the rein poppers from).
I've had this particular garment leather hide for almost 20 years. I bought it at the San Antonio, TX Tandy Leather store as a teenager and made some of my very first (very crude and long ago thrown away in disgust) saddles with it. I gave up on tackmaking for awhile, tried to sell the hide but there were no takers. So it was folded up and stored with Mom's sewing scraps.
It's held up very well, hasn't dried out or stiffened. When I started making harnesses thirteen years ago I found a use for it again as blinker lining, it's the perfect color. I still use it mostly for just that, but occasionally, as shown here, I find another use for it. I've still got several square feet of it left, so there's many blinkers still to be made. I hope, when this one does run out, I find another one as nice.
Set is for sale at MH$P.