2010 so far has been cold and snowy. Brr. But still I had to get a couple of snow shots with Amaranth, my usual snow model. The mold's wild, windblown look lends itself perfectly to these kinds of shots.

A couple more from over the years, this one from 2005, with her mate Redtail

And in 2002 with Dana, ponying Carnelian out to Christian, who seems to have gotten the ranch truck stuck in a snow drift (this was a multi-TOPSA winner back in the day) :

This was well before I started making Western saddles (indeed, any saddles at all!), the saddle on Amaranth is a Rio Rondo kit assembled by Kim Janes, the pad by Deb Messner(sp?), and the saddle and pad on Carnelian were by an unknown maker. The halter, bridle, and doll customization were all done by me, however, as was the CM Breyer Aussie.
New tack photos to come soon! Stay warm!